I love cupcake papers and liners. From the ginormous sized to the itsy bitsy ones. I am that person that waits until AFTER the holiday (like the next day) and buys all of the holiday cupcake liners that are on clearance. Yeah… hate me but I need them and use ’em. However Mr. Fantabulous tells me that I have a “problem” when it comes to them as he thinks I have too many! Pshh! Yeah, one can never have too many of these adorable little things. Kind of like one can never have too much bacon. CLEARLY he needs educated here.
I think I’ve solved my problem!
Since I have 873,987 mason jars that I’ve either bought, inherited or were given I decided to put them to good use in a non-food way. The liners fit perfectly in these (I found it easier to using the wide-mouth jars personally). I then just screw the lid and ring on, put these jars on my shelf and Mr. Fantabulous is happy. Now if I had my way I’d actually leave these out on my counter as decoration as they are super cute! However he’s a minimalist and hates stuff out on the counters (except when it comes to his stupid guitar crap… apparently that’s allowed). LOL When I get my bistro I can so see me having a few jars of these around.
Plus you can stuff a bajillion of these liners in your jars therefore it doesn’t look like you have a slight addiction to these *wink*. So no longer do you have to pitch those wrappers that have lost their shape or you’re only left with like 2 or 3 of ’em. You know those ones you just stuff in the back of your cupboard only to forget about but then find them months later all mangled and crappy which inevitably you have to throw away. This way you don’t have to pitch them. Just create a cupcake house for them.
Check out the rest of the Countdown to Christmas 2013 recipes, tips and tricks!
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