So I’ve been on this watermelon kick as of late. I mean literally I’m eating 2-3 slices a day in lieu of a meal. Don’t start preaching “what about protein??? You need protein!” I know, I know, I know… but my dear LORD I love a sweet ‘n juicy watermelon.
Confession #1: I LOVE finely ground sea salt on watermelon.
Quit making that damn face at me and stop it with the squinched up “ewww” face! It’s good and it actually brings out the natural flavor of it. So shush it *wink*
Last night I was craving watermelon for dinner but I knew I had to have some type of protein with it. Yes, woman cannot live on watermelon alone… damn it. So I grabbed some chicken, filleted it and decided to make Tropical Island Chicken. I figured that would go awesome with a cool slice of juicy watermelon. But then I got an idea’r (as my one brother would say)…. instead of just plain watermelon, why not make a sweet ‘n heat salsa with it!
Brilliant, I know! LOL So I looked through my fridge and found the basics – pineapple, jalapeno, juice and cilantro (plus a few other ‘tings – gotta channel the wanna-be Italianess). I was in business. So while my chicken was marinating, I diced, chopped, minced and tasted… and tasted.. and tasted. Um…
Confession #2: I tasted a bit too much and ended up having to make more *blush* Seriously it was that good (and this was without it chilling and having the flavors infuse).
I grilled the chicken and the topped it with that luscious sweet ‘n heat salsa. Oh dear heaven it was so f’in good (sorry but it’s one of those foods that will make you curse because it’s that good. I’m sorry, really).
So I call Mr. Fantabulous out the kitchen and he gives me the raised brow look. He sits down, takes off his glasses and does the Joe Bastianich from Masterchef (love that show by the way! I so should try out for it!) look. If you ever have seen the show you know that look. It’s that look of pretentious “Hmph! So did this come out the way you expected? Are you confident that the end result meets your expectations? Is this worthy of my pallet?” look. So with pursed lips and doubty face he cuts into the chicken, adds some salsa to the fork and chews. I, being the anal chef, hold my breath. I can’t help it. I love knowing that I have the ability to create dishes that are amazing to the taste buds. Trust me though, I have me some duds in my life.
As he chews and swallows (and in my mind he chews and chews and chews for what seems like 37 minutes when in all actually I truthfully think he swallows his stuff whole) I’m met with dead silence…
cue crickets…<chirp chirp chirp>
He takes another bite, in silence.. by this point I’m jumping out of my skin and dying from lack of oxygen (apparently I’m holding my breath in anticipation)… swallows, puts down his knife and fork and gives me the “Well, how do YOU think you did?” look. I sit there all doe-eyed innocently looking at him with baited breathe while in my head I’m screaming “TELL ME OR I WILL BEAT YOU WITH A PILLOWCASE FULL OF SOAP TONIGHT IF YOU DON’T SAY SOMETHING” he speaks very monotonic “Is this how you expected it to turn out? Is this dish worth enough to be served for public consumption?” To which I kindly respond… “Honey, you do realize I know how to operate the excavator and can easily hide your body so damn it… tell me!” LOL Then that gorgeous smile appears and his beautiful eyes get that twinkle in them. He lets out a belly laugh and says “I so love how I can get to you. Honey seriously, this is amazing. I love watermelon stuff. I love the ‘zip’ it has. How’d you make it?”
To which I grabbed my knife and fork, started cutting my chicken and without making making eye contact said “Eh, fahgeddaboutit!” and proceeded to start shoveling it in.
Really even if you don’t like salsa, I have a feeling you’ll like this.. well okay, providing you like watermelon and pineapple. You could definitely add mango and even kiwi to this.
I can so see this dish used in a multitude of ways…
• Chicken
• Pork Chops, pork loin
• Used as a salsa with tortilla chips (OHHHHHHHHHH!!! I bet this would ROCK with cinnamon sugar tortilla chips!)
Luscious Watermelon & Pineapple Salsa
Find more fantabulous recipes, tips and tricks at www.thekitchenwhisperer.net. Also, join our TKW Family on Facebook
- 2 cups cubed watermelon, no seeds
- 1 cup cubed pineapple pieces
- 1/4 cup red onion, minced
- 1 jalapeno, seeded and minced
- 2 tablespoon cilantro, minced
- 1/4 cup orange juice
- 2–4 shakes hot sauce
- 1/4–1/2 teaspoon sea salt
- Combine all and chill for 30 minutes.
- Drain so it doesn’t get mushy.
- Serve with chips, chicken or pork.
Seriously is that not the prettiest thing ever?! Tell me that doesn’t scream summer?!
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